External Dimensions: Ø 78.2mm (Length) x 14.7mm (Width) x 8.35mm (Thickness)
Magnet Dimensions: Ø 76.2mm (Length) x 12.7mm (Width) x 6.35mm (Thickness)
The dimensions of the product are measured in metric units, with an approximate "tolerance" (manufacturing margin of error) of +/- 0.05mm
Pull Strength: XXkg
The approximate force (in metric units) required to remove a magnet from industry-standard 3mm thick mild steel. These "strengths" are measured using mathematical calculations, and should be used as a general guide only.
- Magnet is encapsulated a durable rubber casing.
- Powerful Rare Earth (Neodymium) permanent magnet.
- Maximum operating temperature 80°C / 100°C
- High resistance to shear force due to the rubber grip.
Order Units:
Available in individual units. Bulk discounts available on orders of 100pcs or more.
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