The Aussie Magnets team went for a fish during our yearly break. We packed up our fishing rods and tackle box and headed towards the national park but this time we decided to also bring along something different....

The '600kg Double Sided Fishing Magnet 'Adventure Kit' 🧲
While the rest of the guys baited their rods. I got the magnet set up. I used the 'drop and lift' method from the top eyebolt and made some pretty standard finds (a knife, scissors, pliers and plenty of hooks/sinkers - some of which are pictured below)

I then tried my luck from the bridge but came up empty.

I returned to the pier to do some 'trawling'. Being such a bulky magnet it's hard to get enough swing to send it more than 8 or so metres but as soon as it hit the water - I knew it was on!

I started to pull it in, It felt heavy but at the same time it didn't seem to have much drag. 

We had found an old abandoned crab net - but that wasn't the unbelievable find... it was what we found inside...

With the helps of the guys, we performed a wildlife rescue!
We cut the net open to get him out
(we could tell it had been long lost and abandoned so we knew no-one was coming back for it) 

We then let our little buddy back into the water

We did some research and found that stingrays can survive over a week without food but chances are,  he wasn't going to get himself out of that net and would have ultimately died.

We are very chuffed with our find and plan on getting back out whenever we can to see what else we can find!